Archive for June 2005

Battlefield 2 Benchmarking

Benchmarks & Demo's 179 Updated by Hilbert Hagedoorn 0

There's a few benchmarks around of various Battlefield 2 system components and video settings tweaks.  Most of them are done in a haphazard way, with straight playback of a Battle Recorder file with the camera locked to one view, and no real consistency.  With the help of BadSplat, I've come up with a way to produce demo files with decent camera tracks and a process for using them in a timedemo benchmark with statistics output (including detailed frame-per-frame statistics).


Generic Benchmarks 55 Updated by Import 0

This is a tool to launch a set of your favourite 3D game benchmarks and synthetic 3D tests in a single batch job automatically. Bench'emAll! will do all the boring stuff for you: start the benchmark, wait for result fps and write result to the file.