VGA Charts - Call of Duty 4

Call of Duty 4

Activision recently released Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, the next installment in the popular war game series. Moving away from the World War II setting, Modern Warfare instead centers around a conflict involving Russia and the Middle East. And hey, you even get to die ... and then continue the game in the past. Let's have a look and suit up in our best cloaking gear for COD4. For this benchmark we use disguise ourselves in the Ghillie suit, load up ACT II - All Ghillied up.

This particular "All Ghillied up" level I liked the most. Not just for gameplay, but also the intense and dense graphics utilized are breathtaking. Massive high-quality texturing, shaders and a serious amount of shadows, fog and debris are applied in this level to mask and hide as best as you can.

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