XCOM 2 - New Patch New Fixes

Firaxis has released a new patch for XCOM 2. According to the team, this patch fixes issues causing known crashes and includes some performance improvements. This patch will be auto-downloaded by Steam, and you can read its complete changelog below.

XCOM 2 – February 17 Patch Changelog: 

- Player is unable to progress to scan in the Geoscape after completing the Resistance Communications research via Tutorial – This will fix previously affected saves.
- Unable to load saves with a Chryssalid Cocoon – This will fix the issue, and for previously affected saves.
- Adjustments were made to Texture Streaming to assist with periodic frame spikes.
- Using the preview voice button for a modded voice pack will no longer crash the game when in the armory.
- Removed 8x MSAA from default Max settings.

Printed from: https://www.guru3d.com/story/xcom-2-new-patch-new-fixes/