X2 Announces Affordable X2.Kimera 4007 Gaming Keyboard

X2 proudly presents the X2.Kimera 4007 gaming keyboard. Featuring an aggressive and cool design with great performance and build out of top quality materials, this gaming keyboard has been studied to be strong and confortable at the same time. 

The large support base is created to keep the wrist in the correct position during a long gaming session, the big space bar key is build to never be missed hands down.

The keyboard's keys are also fitted with a changeable 3 colour backlight (blue, red, purple ). Backlight brightness control keys. The X2.Kimera 4007 gaming keyboard is desinged to enable users to react quickly & customize its performance for every game with its 26 antighost keys, and five macros custom keys (G1 ~ G5)  you will never fail your next gaming mission!

Play with X2.Kimera 4007 gaming keyboard to have your best gaming experience!

MSRP (Euro, ex VAT) € 32.95
MSRP (Dollar, ex VAT) $ 29.95

X2 Announces Affordable X2.Kimera 4007 Gaming Keyboard

Printed from: https://www.guru3d.com/story/x2-announces-affordable-x2-kimera-4007-gaming-keyboard/