Windows 10 version 1511 Will No Longer Get Security updates

And that really isn't a problem if you update Windows on a regular basis. Microsoft halted supporting Windows 10 version 1511 that came out in November 2015. In order to receive additional security updates, you must update to a newer version.

Microsoft announced halting support. While the old version continues to work, usage is discouraged due to the lack of security updates. This applies to both Windows 10 Home and Pro and the Education and Enterprise versions reports Few users will still use Windows version 1511 as pretty much anyone automatically get updates. The version number can be checked by tapping 'winver' in the start menu and pressing enter. If you are up-to-date, the current version number is 1703. Next week Microsoft will release Windows 10 Fall Creators Update.

Microsoft today also ended support for Office 2007. The office suite no longer receives bugfixes and vulnerabilities are no longer patched. Microsoft advises users to switch to one of its other Office suites, such as Office 365.

Windows 10 version 1511 Will No Longer Get Security updates

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