Vapor Chamber Chills Inno3D's GTX 465

Last week we showed you that Galaxy is working on vapor chamber based cooling for a GTX 480, this week you can add Inno3D to that list as well.

The vapor chamber cooler that Inno3D plans on taking advantage of will, predictably, take up two PCI slots, will boast five or six heatpipes and will be equipped with a ball bearing fan with a rotary speed between 1000RPM and 4200RPM (rotations per minute). All in all, it should weigh about 420 grams. The first product to feature it is reportedly going to be a special version of the GeForce GTX 465, dubbed GTX 465 VapourX. There is no telling when this device shows up though, but it will be interesting to see how much lower the operational temperatures actually drop.

 Unfortunately, that product's pricing and availability details are just as unknown, though the fact that a working prototype is already on display seems to suggest a possibly shorter time of arrival to market.

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