USB Powered Microwave From Heinz

Sometimes we stumble over a gadget that just catches the eye and though not necessarily related to the main focus of Guru3D, a USB powered microwave deserves some attention. Especially, from geeks like us, don't you think?

Called Beanzawave and made by Heinz, it measures 7.4'' in height, 6.2'' in width and 5.9'' in depth. "Mr Andrews, the managing director of GAMA Microwave Technology, said it is possible to 'tune' the radio-frequencies to provide the best results with any small product. 'It is possible to heat a pie, a burger, a cup of soup or tea in quick time,' he said. 'There is the option of powering it with lithium ion batteries that would make it completely portable, which would be a help to fishermen, campers or sportsmen.' Mr Andrews said he created the oven after being approached for help by Heinz, who wanted a portable microwave that would work with its Snap Pots.

'The single serve microwavable Snap Pots allow people to quickly heat and eat. We are therefore delighted to be working with Gordon as the Beanzawave is the perfect partner to Heinz Snap Pots, allowing a nutritious snack to be whipped up anywhere in just 60 seconds.'

Heinz said that any decision on whether to support production will depend on the feedback it receives from the public."


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