Toshiba plans Blu-ray player (finally)

Toshiba, which once vehemently defended the HD DVD high-definition format that eventually lost to Sony's prevailing Blu-ray, will soon release a Blu-ray player of its own, according to the Japanese paper Yomiuri. Toshiba should bring out its first Blu-ray player, likely in its home market of Japan initially, before 2010 rolls around. A Blu-ray recorder is also being considered for Japan, though there are no other details on this device.

Since the end to HD DVD, the company had maintained that it would not bring out a Blu-ray player and instead focus on upconverting DVD players that would bring standard DVDs to near high-definition resolution. Most critics believe the move was a matter of pride and refusing to back a competitor's format so quickly than a strategic decision.

If you can't beat them ...

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