Tomb Raider PC - TressFX will be fully playable

A member of Tomb Raider's development team called Jason, Nixxes and Nvidia are currently working on the first patch of Tomb Raider for the PC, and promised that they will be releasing iterative patches in the coming days to try and address many of the reported issues. Jason has also revealed that he's also been reading many of the comments regarding simulation issues and that there will be some improvements over TressFX.

I just wanted to message the community to let you guys know that we are actively reading your comments and issues, and will be releasing iterative patches in the coming days to try and address many of these issues.

Regarding TressFX specifically, please remember that this feature was designed with top end cards in mind, and even last year's model cards may struggle with it. I've also been reading many of the comments regarding simulation issues. Know that I'm actively working on trying to sort this out as best I can. I've tightened collision with the character as much as possible, which hopefully will help a little. We are also looking at simulation issues with hair spazzing out during camera cuts and erratic movements, and will hopefully have a fix for this as well soon. Lastly, we'll try to weight down the hair simulation a little more, as many of you find the current implementation "too floaty".

It may take a few days, but know that someone is actively working on these things. And thank you for your continued support.

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