Tom Cruise teams up with SpaceX and NASA, will shoot movie in space

Alright allow me to go offtopic for one news-post, but Tom Cruise teams up with SpaceX and NASA to star in the first movie filmed in space. 

There were rumors yesterday but is has been confirmed, the man will lead the first movie filmed in space, in collaboration with SpaceX and NASA, who will take him to the space station. The news was confirmed through a tweet by Jim Bridenstine, NASA administrator, specifying that the film will be filmed on the International Space Station. Located 340 km above Earth, it is used for research and experiments, and for the first time, it will be part of a film.

The idea sounds amazing, but there are several things to consider. If Tom Cruise goes to space, he would have to go through an arduous period of training first to become an astronaut. After the relevant medical examinations, the actual evaluation takes approximately two years.

Although in filmic terms two years isn't long, Tom Cruise is 57 years old, and despite staying healthy, getting ready to go into space will be a challenging task. John Glenn is the oldest astronaut to enter space, making it 77 years old . However, this was after a stellar career in the military and many years of training for space flight. So Tom, despite being a couple of generations younger, faces a rather demanding job.

Tom Cruise teams up with SpaceX and NASA, will shoot movie in space

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