Some YouTube Daft Punk Vids - Daft Girls

Hehe time for some laughs, what is it with YouTube that people want to ridicule themselves ? Guys, let's drop hardware for a minute, it's time to laugh. So, I like the mythic electropop band Daft Punk quite a bit. And since I am not the only one, there are a lot of peeps making little video's on them. Let's view a couple of them.

This one is just cool okay:

Now the first one is just funny, is the Daft Bodies video where two girls in bikini danced to the sound. Funny right.

But of course, there are always people making an ass of themselves, Get ready for the drunk version :-o

Props to TechAmok for spotting this one. It's nearly embarrassing just to watch is. Keep it coming girls :)

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