See for yourself how close Microsoft Flight Simulator is to real life in visuals

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 might be an absolute performance hog, but we all agree you don't need high FPS on a flight-sim. Rendering quality of scenery, planes and environments incl weather system, that's what it's all about next to being a proper SIM. 

YouTube channel, Planes From Ground, shared a new video comparing a landing in Microsoft Flight Simulator with a real-life A320 at WBKK (Malaysia). And yeah, the simulator is closer to reality than we ever imagined.

One could argue and the sim would actually benefit from Raytracing quite a lit, looking at the plane surface reflections. Microsoft and Asobo are already working on adding support for DirectX 12, which should address some optimization issues the game has, and hopefully, Asobo will also consider adding Ray Tracing effects to it in the future.

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