RTX 3080 Ti mining limiter also affects other cryptocurrencies

When NVIDIA introduced the hash-0rate limiter it was solely based on Euthereum mining, however, it now seems to affect other crypto currencies as well. Which si good news for gamers.

Last week the the GeForce RTX 3070 Ti and RTX 3080 Ti have been introduced and these have the new variants the limiters active, the hashing algorithms of some other cryptocurrencies are also recognized.

Twitterer I_Leak_VN shows a Facebook post from someone who has tested an 3080 Ti both at Windows and the crypto-mining HiveOS. The restriction appears to be minimally active for Ethereum (ETH), Ethereum Classic (ETC) and Ergo (ERG). Not all algorithms turn out to be constrained; the digital currency Conflux (CFX), which uses the Octopus algorithm, would simply hit the expected 97 megahash per second. I_Leak_VN has found that Ravencoin (RVN) just gets the hashrate it should get without limitation (about 52 MH/s), and the same is indeed true for Conflux (CFX), as the Facebook post also notes. It is not yet known whether other cryptocurrencies based on a proof-of-work algorithm have been affected.

RTX 3080 Ti mining limiter also affects other cryptocurrencies

Printed from: https://www.guru3d.com/story/rtx-3080-ti-mining-limiter-also-affects-other-cryptocurrencies/