Reeven Reelases NAIA 240 liquid cooler Released (LCS)

Announced back in may, available now Reevens first liquid cooler combines efficient cooling, simple maintenance and intuitive design into an all-in-one solution.

The unique large-pump-design gives Naia 240 a superior cooling efficiency and allows users to add coolant as needed. Included in the box are three bottles of coolant dye, enabling users to customize coolant color and make it match their personal systems theme. Due to its special WAP-Design (Water-Above-Pipe Design), the cooler can also be installed in any orientation, without sacrificing pumping power.

The curved baseplate provides greatly increased heat transfer and heat dissipation, while two 120mm Coldwing fans deliver high airflow at whisper quiet 25 dBA. Naia 240 provides a unique combination of the latest cooling technology, durability, and reliability for a carefree user experience. 

The pre-filled cooler comes with 3 bottles of RGB dye (blue, yellow and green) that can be mixed into the coolant to match your rigs color scheme.

Reeven Reelases NAIA 240 liquid cooler Released (LCS)

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