Razer Orbweaver Stealth gaming keypad

Razer has released their new Orbweaver Stealth, a more 'silent' version of the original Orbweaver mechanical gaming keypad. The new model uses mechanical switches with an actuation force of 45g and just like the original version it offers 20 programmable keys and an 8-directional analog thumb stick. It's currently available for pre-order at Razer's website for $129.99.

The Razer Orbweaver Stealth Edition’s mechanical key technology provides a distinctive silent tactile feedback in the form of a light pronounced tap to your fingertips, for an entirely new feel as you game. Each key has an optimized actuation force of 45g and a reduced actuation distance of 2mm, letting you unleash commands and attacks at a blisteringly fast, and quiet, rate. Watch your actions-per-minute soar to devastating heights, leaving adversaries eating your dust.

Arm yourself with 20 fully programmable mechanical keys for more skills, hotkeys, and macros at your disposal. A programmable 8-way directional thumb-pad can also be used either for movement or as modifier keys to expand your repertoire of game-destroying abilities.

The Razer Orbweaver Stealth Edition was designed with adjustable hand, thumb, and palm-rest modules to let you customize the keypad to get the most comfortable gaming experience out of it. Slide either part back or forth so it sits under your thumb or cradles your palm perfectly, reducing hand fatigue and optimizing ergonomic access to controls.

Printed from: https://www.guru3d.com/story/razer-orbweaver-stealth-gaming-keypad/