ProlimaTech to launch Super Mega CPU cooler

[ Image / post removed at the request of respective owner - apparantly the photo's originated from website who made them - instead of what we figured were standard copy photo's from ProlimaTech ]

Update - Allow us to explain a little more clearly as to why this news-post was removed. I noticed the news about this cooler somewhere last week, as I do not visit BMR whatsoever. It was an interesting topic, created the news item and then wanted to add a photo.

The photo's published at many sites on the web looked like standard copy from PR agenencies yet had the big green blob BMR logo's slapped on it. We cut the logo away to clean up the photo a bit, without any effort really as clearly visible.  My mistake is that I had not realized these were photo's from BDR themselves and not industry PR copy, they actually shot the photo's and thus I stepped on their toes by removing the green logo.

We do acknowlegde that it is our bad, apologize for that and I have removed the photo from the news content immediately when I read about it this morning.

It really was a honest yet somewhat sloppy mistake from our side though.

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