Playing Tetris on a Business card

This is a pretty cewl concept, a pretty business card that features an Arduino chip and a small OLED screen. Business being capable of listing your resume, this device is also capable of letting you play simple games like Tetris! The device was made by Oregon programmer Kevin Bates who calls it the Arduboy, because it uses a barebones Arduino board (the tiny computer also found inside Kegbot and Fish on Wheels) connected to an OLED screen. To make the handheld gaming experience as authentic as possible, he also equipped the card with capacitive touch buttons, a speaker and a replaceable battery that lasts up to nine hours.

The creator is planning to launch a Kickstarter project in the coming weeks. The selling price of the Arduboy kits is expected to be around $30 per card though, and it's a DIY assembly.

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