Pioneer BD Combo Drives Become 40% Cheaper In China

Hmm, hopefully a new trend that'll spread ? So far only the Chinese market is known to offer reduced prices. But, perhaps, Pioneer will do the same in other regions as well.

According to the source, a couple of days ago, Pioneer reduced the retail price of the BDC-S02BKZ down to $145, thus cutting its price by 41.2%. According to industry sources, the reduction will affect other suppliers of BD Combo and BD-ROM drives.

BDC-S02BKZ was introduced to the Chinese market in Q4'2007 for about $390 and underwent the first price cut this March. Market observers believe this new price correction has been made to whip up the demand that is to start growing as Beijing 2008 Olympic Games approach.

Besides, in July Pioneer plans to cut the retail price of BDC-S02 drive from $312 to $230 in Taiwan.

As BD Combo retail prices are higher than those of BD-ROM drive by about 30%, the price reduction will narrow this gap.

Pioneer BD Combo Drives Become 40% Cheaper In China

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