Windows 10: May 2020 update speeds up systems with HDD

The pending Windows 10 update v2004 should speed up good old HDD performance, in certain circumstances that is. According to a Windows Latest test, hard disk systems should become noticeably faster. 

Windows 10 May 2020 Update actually feels faster if your hardware is equipped with HDD, which is an old generation storage device that uses mechanical platters and is usually slower than SSD hardware. For SSDs, you are unlikely to notice any significant improvements as anything you load on it already perform actions much quicker. The beauty of an SSD is that its waiting time is already dramatically reduced when compared to HDD.

However, in some cases, the indexing duties could still hit on your PC’s performance even with SSD storage, and hog CPU and disk resources as we’ve heard in the past. Windows 10 version 2004 will also throttle or completely stop any indexing activity when you are transferring files, deleting files and your SSD or HDD disk is being actively used. Windows Search’s ability to throttle indexing activity will prevent such slowdowns from occurring on both SSDs and HDDs. Windows 10’s May 2020 Update has already been finalized and it’s expected to roll out as soon as next month, so if you’re suffering from high disk usage problem, your PC could finally get a remedy in May.

The May 2020 update (version 2004) for Windows 10 is due for wide public release next month. 

Windows 10: May 2020 update speeds up systems with HDD

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