PC version Wolfenstein: Youngblood will be released on July 25 without RTX support

Bethesda releases the PC version of Wolfenstein: Youngblood on Thursday, one day earlier than planned. However, it will be lacking RTX support with its initial release. Something NVIDIA advertised massively with. Raytracing is to be added later with a patch.

You can expect the game for PC this Thursday Bethesda mentions on Twitter.  Wolfenstein makes use of the Vulkan API and would be the first game with that API to get RTX support.

In an earlier interview Jerk Gustafsson, the producer of the game, said that raytracing would not be available when the game comes out. The functionality is added by developers from Nvidia themselves and they are still working hard on that.

It has not been mentioned when the RTX patch for the game will be released. Nvidia is to bundle the game with its RTX cards this the summer. In Wolfenstein: Youngblood, a co-op function is central, but it is also possible to play alone. The game is set in Paris in 1980, twenty years after the events in Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus. Jess and Soph, the twin daughters of BJ Blazkowicz and Anya play the lead roles. The game comes out for Windows, the PlayStation 4, the Xbox One and the Nintendo Switch.

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PC version Wolfenstein: Youngblood will be released on July 25 without RTX support

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