Organization TAITRA Cancels 2020 Computex

There was little reason to continue unless being a small exhibition for locals. But the word is out and Computex 2020 is canceled. The timing of Computex and the state of Corona have been the underlying issues of course.

The company tried to delay the exhibition, but even that was not a logical enough solution anymore. See you in 2021 Computex.

COMPUTEX is Rescheduled to 2021

The outbreak of pandemic COVID-19 has disturbed all major economic sectors of the whole world. Many countries have imposed travel restrictions to help curb the spread of COVID-19. COMPUTEX stakeholders, including international exhibitors, visitors and media, may not be able to join the show consequently. Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) and Taipei Computer Association (TCA), the organizers of COMPUTEX, therefore decided to reschedule COMPUTEX to 2021.

As of June 11, more than 7,350,000 people have been diagnosed across 187 countries worldwide, affecting the economy, trade, transportation, convention and tourism. With credit to Taiwan's government got a head start on smashing the virus, Taiwan has only 443 confirmed cases. Accordingly, how Taiwan makes efforts against COVID-19 has been reported by a lot of international medias, such as CNN, Bloomberg and so on.

COMPUTEX, as a leading global ICT exhibition, where leaders of world-renowned tech enterprises shared industry insights, hosted 1,685 exhibitors from 30 countries and attracted 42,495 visitors from 171 countries in its 2019 edition. COMPUTEX 2021 will take place from June 1 to 5 to continue its commitment of building global technology ecosystems.

To keep the tech industry connected with COMPUTEX, TAITRA is launching a series of online services.

During this difficult time, the organizers' heart and sympathy are with those who are affected around the world. In the meantime, stay strong and fight on. After rolling with the punches, the organizers look forward to seeing you in COMPUTEX 2021 and drive the resilience in the global ICT ecosystem together.

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