Orcs Must Die! 2

Robot Entertainment sent out a press release announcing Orcs Must Die! 2, the sequel to last year's AIAS Strategy Game of the Year.

Orcs Must Die! 2 begins days after the ending of the original game. With the rifts closed and the magical Order dead, the War Mage finds himself suddenly thrust into a new battle against the mindless orc mob. He has a powerful, if questionable, new companion in the Sorceress, an ex-War Mage responsible for the destruction of the Order.

Orcs Must Die! 2 Features:

Players wishing to add to the current 3.4 billion dead orc count can download the original Orcs Must Die! on Steam and other PC Platforms. As a special bonus, players who own the original Orcs Must Die! on PC will unlock exclusive content in the sequel.

Printed from: https://www.guru3d.com/story/orcs-must-die-2/