Nvidia releases RTXGI for Unreal Engine Marketplace to enable global illumination with RT

NVIDIA's RTXGI plugin for Unreal Engine 4.27 makes global lighting with Ray-Tracing much easier to install.

“NVIDIA RTX Global Illumination is a scalable solution that calculates multiple indirect light bounces in real time without pre-calculations, light leakage, or excessive costs per frame. RTXGI is supported by any DXR GPU and is an ideal starting point to bring the benefits of RayTracing to your tools, knowledge and capabilities ”.

RTXGI has already been used in a number of games, including Metro Exodus, Cyberpunk 2077, Control, and Quake II RTX, and NVIDIA's goal is to make it as accessible as possible to indie devs in the future. Given that they are compatible with any DXR GPU, these implementations may be used not only with RTX GPUs, but also with Radeon RX 6000 and future Intel Arc GPUs, giving developers who want to utilize the plugin in their games a great deal of flexibility.

As part of its effort to make the plugin more user-friendly, the business has created a series of instructional films that will assist developers in implementing the plugin and incorporating global ray-tracing lighting into their games.

NVIDIA is unquestionably placing a large bet on Ray-Tracing, and the company hopes that technology will be widely adopted and become the new standard in the near future. Hopefully, these plugins will aid in the expansion of its implementation, and we will see Ray-Tracing implemented in an increasing number of games.

Nvidia releases RTXGI for Unreal Engine Marketplace to enable global illumination with RT

Printed from: https://www.guru3d.com/story/nvidia-releases-rtxgi-for-unreal-engine-marketplace-to-enable-global-illumination-with-rt/