Warning: NVIDIA GeForce 375.86 WHQL Drivers Have Issues

A quick warning, if you download the latest GeForce 375.86 WHQL then be advised that you may run into issues. At this point we advise you to leave them for what they are and wait for a new driver set / hotfix.

Shortly after the driver had been released yesterday our forums started to flood with bad user experiences on this driver. Reports that where games normally did 60 FPS the now are doing 25 FPS. Also many people have locked down-clocked 810 MHz memory clock frequencies and flickering issues. If you do not have any issues then there is no reason to remove them. But the reports on wrong memory clock frequencies are worrisome enough for me to post this on the front-page as a warning.

At this point the driver seems bugged by a large amount, so if you have not installed it just yet .. you'd better wait until a fix or replacement driver is released. Have a read in our forums to see what is going on.

Printed from: https://www.guru3d.com/story/nvidia-geforce-375-86-whql-drivers-have-major-issues/