NVIDIA GeForce 304.79 Beta Download

Guru3D.com ImageThis is the second beta driver from the R304 family of drivers.

New in 304.79 Drivers:

Adds support for NVIDIA TXAA

NVIDIA TXAA is new film-style anti-aliasing technique designed specifically to reduce temporal aliasing (crawling and flickering in motion) through a combination of hardware AA, custom CG film style AA resolve, and a temporal filter. The Secret World is the first game to support TXAA (support will be enabled in an upcoming patch). TXAA is supported on GeForce GTX 600-series Kepler-based GPUs.

New SLI Support - Adds or updates the following SLI profiles:

Key Fixes

New in R304 Drivers (Introduced previously with 304.48 drivers):

Performance Boost

Printed from: https://www.guru3d.com/story/nvidia-geforce-304-79-beta-download/