NVIDIA CEO Makes Interesting Remark, New Gamers GeForce is a long time away from now

Earlier today the first press conferences started in Taiwan, today Nvidia held an invite-only press-conference with Jensen Huang. Nothing ground-breaking or new for the consumer market has been introduced. At the end of the session, however, Journalists asked some questions. 

Jensen Huang talked about the renewal of its Jetson platform for autonomous robots with a Xavier-SoC. Nvidia launched a new Jetson Xavier on a form factor less than 10 by 10 cm, the Cortex-A57 cores have been replaced by eight of Nvidia's own 64-bit ARM v8.2 with a GPU based on the Volta architecture, these include Tensor cores supported by 16 GB LPDDR4x memory.

Back to the topic though, when Jensen Huang was asked when gamers can expect a Volta based GeForce card or whatever it'll be called, he answered that prices of the existing Pascal video cards had dropped to a regular level for some time and that gamers could again buy a GeForce GTX 1070, 1080 or 1080 Ti, saying that they were the best video cards that you as a gamer can buy.

Another editor asked for a small hint on the topic, Huang answered. "Do not worry, I will invite you", followed by "It'll be a long time from now". Since the question was slightly specific on Volta, his answer by itself does not eliminate the option of a pascal refresh.

NVIDIA CEO Makes Interesting Remark, New Gamers GeForce is a long time away from now

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