NVIDIA CEO Hands Out Raises, No Job Cuts surrounding COVID-19

It is very unusual to see an internal mail leak out, but yeah, that happened at NVIDIA. A letter addressed to employees, NVIDIA CEO Jen Hsun Huang promises that the COVID-19 crisis will not cause job-losses anywhere.

Also, the company will continue its planned pay-raises. Jen Hsun reiterates that its 13,775-strong workforce are to remain home and safe during these troubled times.

"Immediately I received questions about whether we are also planning a layoff. NO - precisely the opposite," he said. "We are accelerating your raise to put some extra money in your hands. We can put tens of millions of more dollars in the hands of our families in the coming months."

In the letter's closing, Huang thanked doctors, grocery clerks and other front-line workers for their sacrifices to keep essential services running.

"These doctors, nurses, first responders, police officers, sanitation workers, grocery clerks, and delivery drivers are superheroes," he said. "They fill us with hope and optimism that the world is good."

NVIDIA CEO Hands Out Raises, No Job Cuts surrounding COVID-19

Printed from: https://www.guru3d.com/story/nvidia-ceo-hands-out-raisesno-job-cuts-surrounding-covid-19/