NVIDIA CEO Estimates It Takes Up to Two Decades for US Chip Manufacturing Independence

Jensen Huang, the CEO of NVIDIA, stated that the United States' efforts to become independent in chip manufacturing, distancing from reliance on countries like China and Taiwan, could take 10 to 20 years. His remarks were made at the New York Times DealBook conference, emphasizing the long-term nature of achieving supply chain independence in this sector.

Huang noted that the semiconductor industry's nature necessitates sourcing components globally, making it challenging for all production to be concentrated in one country, such as the United States. He acknowledged that despite significant strides in local manufacturing, complete self-sufficiency remains a distant goal.

Major industry players like Samsung, Intel, and TSMC are establishing large-scale manufacturing facilities in the United States, contributing to the country's semiconductor landscape. The US government's substantial investments are aimed at bolstering domestic production capabilities. Notably, Micron plans to produce 3D NAND and DRAM memories in the United States, marking a first for the company, while Intel is expanding with new advanced manufacturing facilities both in the US and Europe.

Huang's perspective seems to recognize the broader implications of these developments. The acceleration of chip manufacturing in the US hasn't been seen for decades. Government sanctions could potentially hinder China's growth, positioning the US as a more formidable competitor in this arena.

However, Huang underscores that such transformation will require considerable time. For instance, TSMC's planned factory in Arizona, expected to be operational by 2025, will still rely on labor and raw materials from Taiwan, where their main operations are based.

Other companies are expected to follow TSMC’s example, but the pace may not align with the US's immediate aspirations. While these developments will undoubtedly fortify the US's ties with the technological market and infrastructure, achieving complete independence from external sources is a complex and lengthy process, likely to extend over several years and navigate challenges in international relations.


Source: Tomshardware

Printed from: https://www.guru3d.com/story/nvidia-ceo-estimates-up-to-two-decades-for-us-chip-manufacturing-indipendance/