New Radeon drivers support up to twelve video cards simultaneously in Windows 10

If you look up the release notes of yesterday’s released Radeon Software Crimson ReLive 17.10.2 driver you will have noticed new games support, but also another new curiosity.

AMD now actively supports twelve graphics cards simulatiously . This is tagged under compute support for generic computational applications. Of course the support has been added for miners, which will like this options very much.

The line involved reads:

Radeon Software now supports compute workloads for up to 12 installed Radeon RX 400, Radeon RX 500 or Radeon RX Vega series graphics products on Windows10 system configurations.

The crypto currency mining craze this years has left to graphics card shortages, but obviously that is good business for any graphics card manufacturers and board partner.To offer even better support AMD has added a new toggle in Radeon Settings that can be found under the “Gaming”, “Global Settings” options.


The toggle will allow you to switch optimization between graphics or compute workloads on select Radeon RX 500, Radeon RX 400, Radeon R9 390, Radeon R9 380, Radeon R9 290 and Radeon R9 285 series graphics products.

New Radeon drivers support up to twelve video cards simultaneously in Windows 10

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