NaturalVision Remastered - The Ultimate GTA-V mod?

So two days ago long time forum member contacted me, his buddy has been working for a long time on a GTA-V mod, and was asking if we could show a new trailer. Lets spill the beans, it's IceVIP and he made a video and guys, check this mod and trailer.

A friend of IceVIP called "Razed" did the mod for GTA V, since then he's been working on it and has spent over 1200 Hours in gta making it better and better. Right now it has reached a point where its bashing on other graphics mods and now there's a trailer for it.

Razed works with 7 maybe 8 beta testers. Some of them don't even play GTA but have an eye for what is realistic and what not so he gets feedback from them by screenshots. Some who play get alpha versions of the mod and whilst playing they test to see if there's something wrong and report back. He has spent over 1200 Hours making the new "Remastered" version. Probably the best thing about the mod itself is that it does not use Reshade and ENB, they are optional and included in the installation if you wish to use them, but the mod looks great even without them, meaning you get a minimal FPS drop.

His  PC drops 6 frames. From 62 to 56 so its pretty much low end pc compatible. Almost all of the weathers have been re-worked and are visually stunning. He did not write the mod from scratch though, he used VisualV as base, however a developer from the VisualV team contacted him saying he's stunned by some of the things he has seen in the "remastered" version and asked a few questions about how things were done which takes a lot of guts. Razed uses a lot of raw video footage and raw unedited pictures as a reference to which he compares the GTA lightning. All of the sky lightning matches real life one almost perfectly. He has been super careful on nailing the sunrise and sunsets trying to blend colors perfectly.

The Timecycle and Lighting Mod for GTA5 is coming August 1st, 2017. How about you give RazeD and IceVIP some feedback in the thread below eh?

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