Musk: Almost 400.000 People Pre-ordered Tesla Model 3

While not PC hardware related, but definitely something that appeals to the Guru3D reader base. It is fairly crazy, yet good to see that Tesla now has seen 400.000 pre-orders for the more affordable Tesla Model 3.

Whether you may like it or not, cars like these are the future. Tesla founder Elon Musk during a conference in Oslo that there ahe 400.000 cards on pre-order, people who placed an order had to pay 1000 euro in advance.

The manufacturer of the Tesla electric cars announced the model 3 version 3 weeks ago after having released the Model S and Model X (the expensive versions). Model 3 aims to be more mainstream and will get a starting price of 35.000 USD. Tesla promises a minimum driving range of 350 kilometer on one charge. The one complaint that I see is the scarce interior existing out of the pedals, a touch-screen and a steering wheel. perhaps the final model will have a little more features though.

It'll take a while before the Tesla 3 will be actually available, late next year the first production units will arrive with volume delivery in the EU as late as 2018. Due to popular demand we do forsee that'll be even later.

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