Movies available online 2 weeks after their cinema debut

Don't you hate it that when a movie is released for cinema, that you get to wait like half a year for the Blu-ray or rental release ? Well, things might be changing as Hollywood is planning to offer movies for online rental, two weeks after their cinema debut.

This rumorwas posted at Bloomberg, not the smallest I'd say. It would not be cheap, $25 or $50 to view the movie at home with the comfort of your Ultra HD television. Time Warner Inc.’s Warner Bros. stated that there are constructive talks about the plans. The Time Warner head calls the early online rental a ‘premium home-video offering’ reports myce:

The price of the online rentals in the plan might be steep but it are based on the price of a pair of tickets at theaters in cities like New York and Los Angeles.

Especially the movie theaters are against the plans and because they are responsible for a major part of the movie studio’s revenue their voice has to be heard. In the plan, they would therefore be compensated for a possible loss in revenue.

It’s unknown how and where the movies will be offered, either through third party services like iTunes or through a service owned by the movie studios. It’s also unknown whether only U.S. citizens will be able to enjoy movies two weeks after their release or that it will be available for users around the world.

Studios and exhibitors still have a lot to work out. While some executives have discussed releasing movies for home viewing after two weeks in theaters, others have said it could be as long as four weeks. Cinemark described its talks as preliminary.

That suggests studios may pursue different strategies. They’ll also have to decide whether to market films directly to consumers or through third parties like Apple Inc.’s iTunes or pay-TV operators.

Movies available online 2 weeks after their cinema debut

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