Mirror's Edge PC will get NVIDIA PhysX effects - Movie

So if you own a CUDA ready GeForce graphics card, you might just be in for a nice treat if yu decide to grab Mirror's Edge for the PC next year. Nvidia has revealed that the PC flavor of DICE's free-running action game will support PhysX hardware acceleration.

All you'll need is a GeForce 8 or better graphics card, and you'll be the envy of your console-using friends (you know, the ones who've already been playing the game for a week and counting). Here's how Nvidia describes the PhysX enhancements: "With the NVIDIA PhysX physics engine, the world of Mirror's Edge comes to life with real affects [sic] of wind, weapons impact, and in-game movements. Every-day objects within the game become part of the overall experience. Cloth, flags, and banners can now impact weapons and players; ground fog interacts with the player's footsteps; explosions fill the air with smoke and debris; and weapon impacts are enhanced with interactive particles."  Here's a video of the PhysX goodies in action.

BWT I'm uploading a 720P version of the movie to our fileserver for thos who's like to see it in HD quality. Should be up shortly.

Update: we have a high-definition 720P download available here.

Printed from: https://www.guru3d.com/story/mirrors-edge-pc-will-get-nvidia-physx-effects-movie/