Microsoft resolves issue with Windows 10 disappearing files

The new Windows 10 October update no longer removes files by accident. Microsoft says it has solved the problem, and that it wants to help users get their files back.

Microsoft says  to have found the cause of the problem. A new update is now being tested among beta users. If that is successful, other users can also download it. The most recent update for the operating system was withdrawn last week when it appeared that users lost documents, photos, and videos after installation.

Microsoft initially asked users not to install the update themselves but decided to stop the roll-out later. According to Microsoft, only a small number of users have lost files. As we reported yesterday already, those who have had bad luck can call a special helpline that Microsoft has set up. The company says it can not guarantee that users will actually get their files back. However, special software can help with this. Until then, users are advised to use their computers as little as possible.

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