Microsoft places severe limits on unlimited OneDrive Storage

Yesterday the news broke that Microsoft will be drastically change the way they deal with OneDrive subscriptions. Users of Office 365 will no longer have unlimited storage and users with a free account will be reduced from 15GB towards 5 GB storage.

With that sudden move Microsoft certainly is thinning their service and last years promise. Last year Microsoft posted bombastically that users of Office 365 Home (a subscription based Office) would get unlimited storage, that promise is now retracted. You'll get 1 TBG of storage space.

Here are the changes:

MS are  taking the following steps to make this transition as easy as possible for customers:

In a blog post the OneDrive team explains that it’s making these changes after some of its unlimited subscribers each uploaded more than 75 terabytes of data to its servers. Microsoft really didn't see that one coming ? E.g. that no one would take advantage of its promise to offer unlimited storage? If Microsoft didn’t anticipate this development all along, it probably shouldn't have committed to it and announce it so bombastically. OneDrive is now just another cloud, like many.

Microsoft places severe limits on unlimited OneDrive Storage

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