Lost Planet 2 PC Edition to be DirectX 11 title

Capcom todays announced a 15th October date for Lost Planet 2 on PC. DirectX 11 and NVIDIA 3D Vision will be supported, and you can test these features by running a preview of the game available. Recommended system specs are an Intel Core2 Quad or AMD Phenom x4 processor; NVIDIA GeForce 9800 or ATI Radeon HD4800 graphics card; and either 2GB RAM on Windows XP or 3GB RAM on Windows Vista. Windows 7 is supported.

A preview version is available starting today that has both a gameplay test and DirectX 11 benchmark mode. There are two modes: Test A gives an indication of general gameplay and movement will perform while Test B is much more demanding and will push the PC to its limits.

Printed from: https://www.guru3d.com/story/lost-planet-2-pc-edition-to-be-directx-11-title/