Introducing Nvidia App: Replacing GeForce Experience and Control Panel

Nvidia is moving away from its traditional software interfaces, the GeForce Experience app and the Nvidia Control Panel, in favor of a new unified application called the "Nvidia app." This change is intended to enhance the user experience by combining the features of the two previous applications into one efficient platform. The Nvidia app, currently in beta, includes several improvements, such as a more intuitive design, quicker installation, and a more responsive interface that requires less disk space.

It retains important features from the GeForce Experience, like game setting optimization and content recording, while introducing new elements such as "Freestyle RTX Filters" that use AI to improve game visuals in over 1,200 titles.


Additional features include FrameView for in-game performance tracking and compatibility with add-ons like GeForce Now and Nvidia Broadcast. A notable improvement is the provision of detailed driver update information, designed to clarify the impact of updates on specific games.


The Nvidia app will be rolled out with the latest graphics driver update, marking a step towards a more integrated software environment for Nvidia GPU users. 

You can now download that driver right here.

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