Intel stops Performance Tuning Protection Plan, PTPP, for all eligible K-series CPUs

Maybe you can remember, intel had an option to purchase an extra warranty that covers overclocking with k model processors. Literally, if you purchased a K model in the past few years, would overclock it and it would die, you'd theoretically have no warranty. 

Pricing depended on the tier of the processor, but the plans typically cost between $19.99 and $29.99. Intel now officially discontinued that program called Performance Tuning Protection Plan (PTPP). Intel will no longer offer new PTPP plans effective March 1, 2021.

The company has just now posted a message on the official PTPP website. In case you didn’t know, the Performance Tuning Protection Plan (PTPP) was an additional plan to cover processor failures caused by operating the eligible processor outside of Intel’s published specifications.

This is Intel's note on the discontinuation of the program:

To PTPP Customers,

The Performance Tuning Protection Plan program has been discontinued.

As customers increasingly overclock with confidence, we are seeing lower demand for the Performance Tuning Protection Plans (PTPP).

As a result, Intel will no longer offer new PTPP plans effective March 1, 2021.

Intel will continue focusing on delivering amazing processors with tuning flexibility and overclocking tools like Intel Performance Maximizer and Intel XTU.

All existing plans will continue to be honored through the duration of the processor warranty period.

For questions, contact Intel Customer Support.

Note about the intel xeon W-31 75X Processor
The intel xeon W-3175X Processor is automatically covered for overclocking, No additional plan or activation code is required

Thank You,

Intel stops Performance Tuning Protection Plan, PTPP, for all eligible K-series CPUs

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