Intel Said To be Working on Arctic Sound and Jupiter Sound Graphics Processors

It's only been weeks since AMD's Raja Kodury CTO left for Intel, and now the first rumors appear that Intel would be working on Arctic Sound and Jupiter Sound GPUs, discrete GPUs. The new GPUs would see the light of day as the twelfth and thirteenth generation of graphics chips.

It seems Intel would like to connect the GPUS via emib (Embedded Multi-Die Interconnect Bridge (EMIB) to the processor, much like they are doing with the recent processors that have a Vega-GPU. These project names though: 'Arctic Sound' and 'Jupiter Sound', well they have been reported by Ashraf Eassa from The Motley Fool, the guy published more Intel and valid news. He mentions names, nothing else though.



It'll be years before these GPUs see the light of day, as well the twelfth and thirteenth generation of GPU's are that, years away. 1+1=2 ergo it is assumed that it is Raja Koduri probably working on these GPUs. 

Thanks, SH SOTN for the news-submit.

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