Intel publishes list of incompatible games with Alder Lake (due to DRM)

It's a known fact that some games have performance issues with Alder lake processors, this has everything to do with DRM copy protections versus the energy cores on these CPUs. As a result, intel published list of affected games.

An Intel statement mentions that the hybrid CPU core design of Alder Lake may be incompatible with certain games, notably those protected by Denuvo's anti-piracy DRM software and that the company is investigating the issue. A study of the Core i9-12900K proved this when we attempted to run the hit AAA Ubisoft title Assassin's Creed: Valhalla, which was part of our processor test suite and got excluded. The game would fail midway through the test run, or it would simply not boot up at all, depending on the configuration.

This list will be updated as patches are released.

For Windows 10, the games above are affected, and we are working with developers to get a patch. The games below are also affected. For the list below, you can update to Windows 11 or use the Scroll Lock workaround while we work to get this resolved. This list will also be updated as patches are released.

Intel publishes list of incompatible games with Alder Lake (due to DRM)

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