Intel posts Xe-HPG discrete gaming GPU teaser (with hidden message pointing to domain)

Intel is proactively getting more viral on their pending desktop GPU, based on Xe-HPG architecture. Yesterday they posted a teaser video on Twitter, and in it, you could see some binary numbers, and that is a hidden message. 

Last week you've already seen a photo of an engineering sample running 3DMark. This teaser itself is nothing special really, while Intel's Xe-HPG architecture is expected to launch by the end of 2021, so I guess we can expect virals for close to a year. Intel has not shared details on its architecture but Xe-HPG DG2 is rumored to see three different GPUs: 512EU, 384EU, and 128EU. Multiply the numbers and you'll get a maximum of 4096 Shader processors. Which currently is the high-end but not enthusiast domain. 

Now that hidden message though.

Above you can see a series of 0 and 1's. That's binary, run it through a binary translator, and you'll get 35160237208 for the first part, that's an IP that translates to, and that leads to

The second part is solved as well and is 2 sets of coordinates, combined they lead to the Niagra Falls with 43.0823N (Solved coordinates), 79.0731W (Solved coordinates), 00100011 (Solved ip address scavenger hunt website):

When you load up that domain you'll see a tease scavenger hunt, starting March 26th.


Intel posts Xe-HPG discrete gaming GPU teaser (with hidden message pointing to domain)

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