Intel Larrabee whitepaper discusses Physics

The gentlemen from intel published a nine-page long whitepaper that discusses some asspects of game physics performance of the Larrabee architecture, you can read it over here.

Intel: Game physics is at the heart of any modern game engine which employs the laws of physics to simulate life-like movement and interaction between objects, such as rigid and deformable bodies, cloth, and water. Game physics applications are very compute and memory intensive. The ever growing quest for a high degree of realism requires more complex physics algorithms and also larger datasets.

To meet the demands of game physics applications requires a computer architecture which can deliver high floating point performance and memory bandwidth. However, general-purpose many-core architectures are quickly evolving to overcome these constraints. Larrabee is one such highly-threaded many-core architecture. It consists of an array of multiple IA Intel processor cores, each augmented with a 16-wide vector processor unit. In this paper, we analyze several key game physics applications. We show how Larrabee

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