Guru3D Folding team enters top 70 ...

With great pride we announce that our F@H Team is now in the Top 70 Teams in the entire world.  We are currently in 66th position and hopefully, within a week or so we will be in 65th position. Considering that there are over 186700 Teams in the World, this is a tremendous achievement. Also in the month of August, we have achieved 13 Million F@H points which is the highest we have achieved in 3 years.


Here is a graph from EOC to put things in perspective: Once the above graph sinks in, I extend a special thanks to our Top 20 Contributors:

Top 20 Producers
24hr Avg
1 Jacko36 59,224 4,343,384
2 yoyo69_(Guru3D) 39,390 7,756,974
3 iancook221188 23,296 4,397,542
4 PantherX 22,041 3,189,559
5 Madskillz07(JDS) 17,194 329,504
6 JarithOne 16,814 808,257
7 89Mustang 12,967 4,680,874
8 lesoo7 11,810 4,611,644
9 mrtom82 11,429 171,336
10 Tarkus 11,377 2,720,049
11 Jordan_Locke 9,477 1,618,974
12 TM80 9,263 958,503
13 Yoni800 9,078 2,239,037
14 Dorn_Adoy 8,729 237,976
15 ra_alfaomega 8,541 1,606,081
16 Dr._Robert_Richardson 8,152 1,245,257
17 7,976 193,076
18 brazen_nl 7,879 187,320
19 abcdgaitan 7,332 101,426
20 Mikester1290 6,741 314,742

Now if you interested in joining our F@H Team, remember that our Team Number is 69411.

If you have GTX 400 Series GPU and want to contribute, you can read this guide as it contains all relevant information about GPU3 BETA Client.

Guru Members having Quad Core CPUs or higher, may want to look into the SMP2 BETA Client. It has been update to version 6.30 and makes installation a breeze. The entire set-up will take approximately 5 minutes. A thread containing important information is available here.

If the SMP2/GPU3 BETA Client doesn

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