Guru3D Folding at Home Enters Top 70 !

Time for a new update on Folding@home Team Guru3D (!) It takes a lot of people to do a lot of work, and we surely did that recently as Team Guru3D has entered top 70 in the Folding@home rankings -- currently we are going steady at the 79st place !

We've recently beaten Team MSI, MicroMART and the Platstation 3 Forums team. The next team to overtake will be Tom's Hardware, which for me would be a personal victory alright. To do so we of course need your help ! But here's an overview of the top 20 Guru3D crunching soldiers.

Top 20 Producers
24hr Avg
1 Roost 19,706 1,592,194
2 89Mustang 17,030 2,994,142
3 yoyo69_(Guru3D) 15,825 2,698,164
4 Happy 13,382 1,109,887
5 lesoo7 12,023 1,808,562
6 powerspec 7,526 772,156
7 Order911 7,114 169,228
8 Alex_Hankin 6,829 1,412,721
9 Tarkus 6,683 694,059
10 ra_alfaomega 6,500 216,095
11 Bison88 6,381 889,932
12 koryaube 6,177 174,422
13 spectraman 5,579 1,031,858
14 Yoni800 4,826 116,609
15 Milos_B 4,801 901,013
16 Questman 4,685 1,339,001
17 Lostcaveman 4,474 954,723
18 mill3000 4,287 129,749
19 MustKillAti 4,108 592,131
20 cwija 4,039 43,700

Now if you have an ATI Radeon series 3000 or newer or GeForce series 8 or newer graphics card and like to help fighting diseases, please join our team, we have Team ID number 69411.

You can download the latest GPU or CPU clients here. Should you need help / want info check out our Folding support forums here where anyone will help you with any questions you might have.

Come on people, team 69411 -- join the club. Thanks to all who are participating in this project, and a special thank you to our top 20 contributors.

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