Grab for free: Dishonored: Death of the Outider at Epic Games Store

Ready for an exciting adventure? From now until February 9th 2023 5 PM CET, you can get "Death of the Outsider" for free on PC. This is a standalone game in the popular and highly-acclaimed "Dishonored" series.

In "Death of the Outsider," you'll play as Billie Lurk, a supernatural assassin on a mission to pull off the greatest assassination ever. The game is full of action and has all the hallmarks of the "Dishonored" series, including intense combat, unique level design, and an immersive storyline that changes based on your choices.

Whether you're a new player or a longtime fan, "Death of the Outsider" is a must-play game. It builds on the gameplay and art style of "Dishonored 2" while offering new challenges and a larger world to explore.

Getting "Death of the Outsider" is easy. Just go to the Epic Games Store or open the Epic Launcher, find the game, add it to your cart, and checkout. That's it.

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