Google Chrome adds Protection against Meltdown and Spectre

Earlier last week we've already reported that Chrome would get HDR support, e.g. the ability to play for playing HDR content. However, it also adds protection for Windows and Mac OS, the so-called SharedArrayBuffer is disabled.

Another handy new feature is the ability to 'mute' the sound per domain. So if you get a website that by default plays tunes, or their ads do, with this feature it's muted by default once you have it enabled. By right-clicking the website tab, you can enable it:


As mentioned, this latest version of Chrome also protects Mac and Windows users against the Meltdown and Spectre vulnerabilities. Google is disabling the SharedArrayBuffer feature to mitigate against web-based attacks. The update will apply itself, or alternatively, you can manually update by going to help and then about.

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