GeForce RTX 3000 Series Founders Edition Cards No Longer Listed in Europe?

Several media have started creating a bit of confusion, theĀ GeForce RTX 3000 Series Founders Edition cards are no longer visible on the official NVIDIA website shop.

NVIDIA has a mechanism that when stock runs out, the cards are often not listed on the shop webpage anymore, that's all there is to it at this time we think. In the US NVIDIA however, moved sales towards BestBuy, which it announced a while ago. Here in the EU we can indeed see that some cards are not listed as they simply are not available (stock ran dry). So we doubt that NVIDIA stopped selling the founder edition cards, it's just that currently, the stock ran dry. The UK NVIDIA webpage makes that very clear. We'll keep an eye on it though.

Update; it seems that most regional sites now are listing the products again. So much fuzz over nothing.

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