GeForce GTX 360 and 380 Benchmarks

Do not ask us how or where these benchmarks source/originate from as we do not know. For all we care (and think) they are fake. However, a user in our forums posted screenshots of benchmarks from what seems to be a NVIDIA Slide Deck presentation -- it's too good to miss out on so we wanted to post this. I can confirm that the layout and style is roughly what NVIDIA uses for it's presentations, but sure a couple of things like 'NVIDIA Confidential" and some other non-named items are missing from these screenshots (hence we think they are fake).

The slides supposedly reveal internal NVIDIA benchmarks of Far Cry 2, Resident Evil 5 and STALKER Clear Sky. Now this remains speculation, but if the numbers where to be right, then the future is looking bright and sunny for NVIDIA -- well if they get their pricing and TDP right that is. In all fairness -- this is roughly what everybody expects from NVIDIA 3D performance wise -- though personally I'd doubt that a single GPU GTX 380 could overtake a dual-GPU Radeon HD 5970.

Anyway judge for yourself, have a look and props go out to forum user "Memorian" for posting the screenshots in the GTX 300 series discussion thread.

Until further notice the validity obviously should be taken with a BIG grain of salt and well -- just wait until our review is out before making up your mind I'd say. What do you think ? Discuss here.

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