GeForce GTX 1070 Ti CAN be overclocked

Ever since the announcements of the GeForce GTX 1070 Ti FE and AIB cards one of the more consistent rumors have been confirmed, these cards are all clocked at the same base and boost clocks, but that doesn't mean they cannot be overclocked. 

With this news-post, I like to clear up something, a lot of people seem to still think that the card as such cannot be overclocked/tweaked. This is not true, nothing is 'locked', and if you have been observing our recent beta releases of MSI AfterBurner (4.4.0 Beta 19) you'd have noticed we already added support for the GeForce GTX 1070 Ti earlier this month.

In short, all cards come at default clocks, thus similar clocks for the Founders edition as well as all board partner cards. However, you can tweak manually. I'll provide the screenshot below to show you that tweaking works fine. November 2nd our review will go live, as well as the card becoming available in retail.

Download: MSI AfterBurner Beta

MSI AfterBurner Supports GeForce GTX 1070 Ti - All Tweaking controls are active - above screenshot is for viewing unlocked functions - the tweak applied is not representable for what the cards do.

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