Free to grab: Tomb Raider Definitive Edition at Epic

Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition is free for a week, courtesy of Epic Games. If you add this PC game to your Epic account before September 8, 2022, you can play it immediately and keep it forever at no cost.

Probably the best of three rebooted adventures of Lara Croft, this edition comes with all extra DLCs that includes additional narrative-driven tombs, weapons, outfits and skills.

If you follow IndieGameBundles, you already have Tomb Raider: Definitive Survivor Trilogy that was given away by Epic back in December. But if you missed this giveaway, here’s another chance to at least download the final Tomb Raider game for free!

In Shadow of the Tomb Raider Definitive Edition experience the final chapter of Lara’s origin as she is forged into the Tomb Raider she is destined to be. Combining the base game, all seven DLC challenge tombs, as well as all downloadable weapons, outfits, and skills, Shadow of the Tomb Raider Definitive Edition is the ultimate way to experience Lara’s defining moment.

Survive and Thrive In the Deadliest Place on Earth: Master an unforgiving jungle setting in order to survive. Explore underwater environments filled with crevasses and deep tunnel systems.

Become One With the Jungle: Outgunned and outnumbered, Lara must use the jungle to her advantage. Strike suddenly and disappear like a jaguar, use mud as camouflage, and instill fear in enemies to sow chaos.

Discover Dark and Brutal Tombs: Tombs are more terrifying than ever before, requiring advanced traversal techniques to reach them, and once inside they are filled with deadly puzzles.


Uncover Living History: Discover a hidden city and explore the biggest hub space ever found in a Tomb Raider game.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider Definitive Edition has Very Positive reviews and it usually costs $39.99 but you can get it for free this week only at Epic Games.

Just head over to Epic Games Store or navigate to the game in the Epic launcher before September 8th 2022, add the game to your cart and checkout. Simple as that. After that, the game is yours to keep, and play, forever.

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